
Industry, Technology & Economy

Evolving Urban Railways
- Backbone of the Tokyo Megacity進化する東京の都市鉄道~世界最大のメガシティを支えて~

  • 28 min.
  • EDC3T005-001
  • English, M/E, HD

©NHK Foundation

According to a 2012 United Nations study, Tokyo has surpassed New York to become the world’s largest megacity in terms of economic activity. The Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area’s extensive urban railway network forms the backbone of its economic activities and supports the daily lives of its populace. The Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Area’s urban railway system is known for its elaborate network and its highly reliable on-time operations based on meticulously planned timetables. This network of urban railways carries more than 40 million people each and every day. Behind the scenes, you will find the world’s most advanced railway technologies as well as the tireless efforts of railway employees striving to ensure complete safety. This program will be shot on location on the frontlines of East Japan Railway Company (“JR East”) to capture cutting edge railway operating systems at work and to shed light on the activities of railway system workers, under the ultimate goal to showcase megacity Tokyo’s truly extraordinary urban railways.
