

10 Minutes of Ecology10ミニッツボックス~エコロジー~

  • 20 x 10 min.
  • EED5S003-001~020
  • English, Spanish (No.1 only), French, M/E

©NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)

1. Environmental Problems / 環境問題

(1) Rainforest Destruction / 熱帯雨林の破壊

(2) Desertification / 砂漠化

(3) Acid Rain / 酸性雨

(4) Water Pollution / 水質汚濁

(5) Ozone Holes / オゾンホール

The destruction of environments is a problem facing many individual nations, but finding a solution is something that involves the whole world.

2. Endangered Species / 滅びゆく動物たち

(1) Kuril Seal / ゼニガタアザラシ

(2) White-tailed Eagle / オジロワシ

(3) Loggerhead Turtle / アカウミガメ

(4) Japanese Giant Salamander / オオサンショウウオ

(5) Musashi Stickleback / ムサシトミヨ

The animals introduced in this series are some of the endangered species in Japan. We'll see where and how they live and study the ways to maintain environments that are safe for them.

3. The Earth's Environment / 世界の自然環境

(1) Rainforests / 熱帯雨林

(2) Deserts / 砂漠

(3) Alpine Regions / 高山

(4) Polar Regions / 極地

(5) After a Volcanic Eruption / 火山

There are various different environments where many people live on this earth. In this series we'll look at five different environments and the people living there.

4. Forests / 森を調べる

(1) Composition of a Forest / 森のつくり

(2) Forest and Animals / 森と動物

(3) A Day in the Life of a Forest / 森の一日

(4) Birth and Regeneration of Forests / 森の誕生と再生

(5) Utilizing Forests / 森の利用

In Japan, an industrial nation, two thirds of the land area is covered by forest. Trees gathered together make up a forest.
